This annual show is a great way to kick off the holiday season on Thanksgiving weekend!
Sounds of West Texas: "Home for the Holidays"
Saturday, November 25, 2023
Doors: 6:15pm • Showtime: 7:00 pm
The Sounds of West Texas troupe will be presenting the annual “Home for the Holidays” concert, featuring some of Lubbock's finest musicians, at the Cactus Theater (1812 Buddy Holly Avenue) on November 25th. The energetic and funny Kurt Kiser will be the emcee for the evening and there is never a dull moment with him steering the show. There will be songs about home, family, love, plus some gospel, holiday and inspirational songs that will lift the spirits for this holiday season. Like all Sounds of West Texas productions, there will be a mix of country, pop, soft rock, and folk classic tunes that will take you back in time. The Sounds of West Texas show also presents fun jingles for some of the sponsors of the show, and gives door prizes away to some lucky ticket holders, which makes this show so unique and fun for the audience! This is the perfect family show to bring out of town guests after Thanksgiving that will give you, your friends, and love ones a very memorable night.
Featured performers will be: Larry Allen, Steve Burrus, Craig Elliott, Jimmy Henderson, Al Hollingsworth, Mike Huffman, Donnetta Lippe, Donnie Martin, John Reid, Cale Richardson, Johnny Richardson, Riley Solberg, Betty Smith, Brent Smith, Dakota Earnest Tauferner, Baxter Vaughan and Mark Wallney.
Don't miss this heartwarming and wonderful night of entertainment that will lift your spirits and create fond memories with your friends and family!
Doors will open at 6:15 - some door prizes will be given away starting at 6:50 - and the show will begin at 7:00 p.m.
For tickets buy at or call 806.762.3233 afternoons from 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm. Tues- Fri. Tickets may be purchased in person during those hours or at the door the night of the concert.
Don't miss this night of laughter, fun and great music!
Reserved Tickets:
All floor and standard balcony.……………………..$20
Limited balcony box seats (includes concessions)....$40